Incassobureau inschakelen kosten you’re behind on your credit card payments, it may be time to call in the experts. But, before you select an online debt collection agency, it’s best to research the industry and do your homework. Look for a company with a good reputation, and an experienced staff. Check its licensing and compliance status, and read customer reviews. A good agency will be transparent and will not use threats, profanity or other deceptive practices to pressure you for payment. It also must disclose that it is trying to collect a debt, and how you can dispute the debt.
How Technology is Revolutionizing Debt Collection: A Look at Online Agencies
When an agency first contacts you, it must provide a “debt validation” letter that confirms that the debt belongs to you and details how much is owed. This is a requirement under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act. The debt collector must also include the name and address of the original creditor if you request it within 30 days.
You may also have the right to request a dispute letter and to receive the debt collector’s response in writing. They cannot retaliate against you for disputing the debt or report it to a credit bureau without your express consent. In addition, you have the right to request that they refrain from contacting you or using your information for another purpose.
When selecting an online debt collection agency, consider how much it charges for its services. Most firms charge a percentage of the amount recovered or a flat fee per account. Many offer contingency pricing, meaning that you don’t pay unless the debt is collected.